Writing Tutors
Looking for a writing tutor? You’ve come to the right place.
Our tutoring services are offered in-person or online. You can buy a one-time tutoring session or take advantage of our discounted 5-hour and 10-hour tutoring packages. With a tutoring package, parents, for instance, pay a one-time, flat fee for their student’s tutoring sessions. In turn, the student is able to access our tutoring services on an as needed and flexible basis — without having to bother with the administrative tasks associated with account set-up and billing. When your student depletes the hours in his or her “bank of time,” parents can re-up or expand the tutoring package.
Who We Serve
- Middle School Students
- High School Students
- College Students
What We Do
- Assist with topic development and brainstorming ideas
- Help with outlining
- Edit papers
- Teach our proprietary 10-step writing process
What We Don’t Do
- We do not write papers for students
- We do not “spoon-feed” answers or directions to students
- We do not interfere with the learning objectives of a student’s teacher
Where Our Clients
- Nationwide
Examples of Assignments We Support:
- Essays
- Class Papers
- Book Reports
- Research Papers
- Dissertations
- Presentations
Examples of Relevant Classes
- Art
- English
- Government (Civics)
- History
- Language Arts
- Science, i.e. research reports. lab write-ups
- Social Studies
- Any class where writing is involved
How to get started?
“When she [the parent’s daughter] has a paper due, she can email Stan and they put a plan in place as to how to tackle the next steps, such as an outline, draft, first edit, etc. — all without my having to manage the process.”
Monica Purdy, Parent
Dallas, Texas
“The Secret to Writing has really enhanced the way I attack essays. In only one day, I felt more comfortable than I ever have with writing essays.”
Grayson High School Student
Loganville, Georgia